non governmental organization in A Ali Bahrain
About 120 results.
Jervois Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong「東華三院何玉清教育心理服務中心」成立於二零一零年,致力為特殊學習需要學生提供評估及輔導服務,引領他們培養學習興趣,盡展所長,建立積極人生。
The Federation of Hong Kong Industries was established under Ordinance, Cap 321 of the laws of Hong Kong, in 1960.
低碳想創坊 CarbonCare InnoLab
Hennessy Road 302-308, Wan Chai, Hong KongCreating opportunities for Innovation, Awareness & Action on Climate Change
廣福道 27, 大埔, Hong Kong路德會青亮中心(戒賭輔導中心)為民政事務局平和基金資助的賭博輔導服務,並於2010年1月1日開始投入服務。服務宗旨為“協助受賭博問題困擾的人士及其家人,建立光明健康的人生。”
Federation of Hong Kong Industries
The Federation of Hong Kong Industries was established under Ordinance, Cap 321 of the laws of Hong Kong, in 1960.
The Federation of Hong Kong Industries was established under Ordinance, Cap 321 of the laws of Hong Kong, in 1960.
彌敦道 678, 旺角, Hong KongThe Federation of Hong Kong Industries was established under Ordinance, Cap 321 of the laws of Hong Kong, in 1960.
HKFYG Leadership 21
筲箕灣東大街159號東輝大廈3樓A室, 00852 Hong Kong, Hong Kong香港首間結合佛法與專業輔導的中心,有需要人士如遇到情緒困擾,並希望憑藉佛法洞察人生,轉煩惱為心靈智慧。我們的社工會幫助他們重拾生活步驟,駕馭人生的順遂。
Gender Empowerment
Tai Hang Tung Road 111, Shek Kip Mei, Hong KongFor Transgender individuals in Transition and/ or hold on to this dear identity. :)
TWGHs CROSS Centre: Eastern and Wanchai Office
Wing Shun Street 38, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong香港認知障礙症協會於 1995 年成立,前稱香港老年痴呆症協會,為國際阿爾茲海默症協會在港的唯一會員, 是全港第一間專門提供認知障礙症服務的非牟利、自負盈虧、未有政府資助的機構。本會致力為認知障礙症患者、家屬及照顧者提供專業及多元化非藥物治療活動及服務。同時,提供不同程度的培訓和教育予專業人士、護老者及社會大眾,加強他們對認知障礙症的認識並且關注大腦健康,以期達致早檢測、早診治、早準備,…
青山道 476, 長沙灣, Hong Kong長春社(香港保護自然景物協會)成立於一九六八年,是香港歷史最悠久的民間環保團體。我們積極倡議可持續發展的理念、致力於自然保育、保護環境和文化遺產。
自閉症人士福利促進會 Society for the Welfare of the Autistic Persons
石硤尾街 65, 石硤尾, Hong Kong本會由一群熱心的自閉症兒童家長於1982年所創立,為一政府註冊社團。
香港離島婦女聯會 賽馬會社會服服務中心
由社區投資共享基金資助,「故事家庭樂」鄰里發展計劃已經正式展開。 "Family Storytelling Project" has been launched and funded by the Community Investment and Inclusion Fund (CIIF).
Queen's Road Centra 222-224, Central, Hong KongWe are a content hub and community committed to happy, healthy, mindful living.
Foodlink Foundation Limited
Welcome to the official Facebook page of Foodlink Foundation Limited. Simply click Like and help us Replace Hunger with a Smile!
Summerbridge Hong Kong Limited
Hennessy Road 21, Wan Chai, Hong KongSummerbridge Hong Kong is a nonprofit organization that creates educational opportunities for highly motivated underserved high school students in Hong Kong. It provides tuition-free quality Eng…
Anti480 反性暴力資源中心 Anti-Sexual Violence Resource Centre
Kin Man House, Oi Man Estate, Ho Man Tin, Hong Kong使命宣言:推動性別平等 締造零性暴力社會 服務單位:風雨蘭 (一站式性暴力危機支援中心) 教育單位:Anti480反性暴力資源中心
Hong Kong Generation Next Arts
Wing Lok Street 86, Sheung Wan, Hong KongHong Kong Generation Next Arts Limited (HKGNA) is a registered charity founded in 2009 to inspire and nurture young generation through music.
Food Rescue Organization, Foodlink Foundation Limited
Wing Lok Street 93-103, Sheung Wan, Hong KongWelcome to the official Facebook page of Foodlink Foundation Limited. Simply click Like and help us Replace Hunger with a Smile!
世界綠色組織 World Green Organisation
Ronald McDonald House®