college in Neipu Township Taiwan
About 28 results.
Trek Bicycle Orlando College Park
2517 Edgewater Dr.,, 32804 Orlando, United StatesPremiumTrek Bicycle Orlando Colleg Park is your destination for the latest products from Trek and Bontrager, service and tune-ups for bikes of any brand, and everything you need for your next two-wheele…
Trek Bicycle College Station
2307 Texas Ave,, 77840 College Station, United StatesPremiumTrek Bicycle College Station is your destination for the latest products from Trek and Bontrager, service and tune-ups for bikes of any brand, and everything you need for your next two-wheeled ad…
Julio Williams, MD
3000 32nd Ave S, 58103 Fargo, United StatesPremiumDr. Julio Williams, a cardiothoracic surgeon, has joined the Essentia Health-32nd Avenue Clinic in Fargo, North Dakota. Dr. Williams earned a medical degree from Pontificia Universidad Catolica M…
西安南巷 0, 407 Xitun District, TaiwanPatay位於台中逢甲,堅持平價,享受簡約,為客人打造美式風格包棟VILLA,帕提逢甲民宿讓親友之間可以一起同樂,也在不同房型內運用巧思,讓喜愛不同風格的旅行者帶著愉快放鬆的心情享受大台中之旅。Patay獻給愛旅行的你!
College of Information and Distribution Science
國立臺中科技大學 National Taichung University of Science and Technology
台灣大道四段 1727, 407 西屯區, Taiwan東海大學管理學院致力於培育著重倫理、卓越、開放及團隊精神的領導者。透過嚴謹的教學與研究,造就足以實踐永續學習,善盡社會責任,並以自信、正直、專業態度因應全球挑戰的博雅人才。
China Medical University
Xueshi Road 91號, 404 North District, Taiwan民國47年,由一群熱愛傳統中國醫學的人士,包括覃勤、陳固及陳恭炎先生等人發起,將傳統中國醫學在台灣生根的宏願在台中市興學,秉持「仁、慎、勤、廉」的校訓,是一所教學與研究並重的優質大學,各學院之系所及附設醫院之各個研究中心除了致力於高品質的教學外,並努力提升學術研究水準。
National Chin-Yi University of Technology
Section 2, Zhongshan Road 57, 406 Taiping District, Taiwan請填寫網站簡述
National Taichung University of Science and Technology
Section 3, Sanmin Road 129號, 404 North District, Taiwan國立臺中科技大學 National Taichung University of Science and Technology
National Taichung University of Education
Minsheng Road 140, 403 West District, Taiwan國立臺中教育大學 National Taichung University of Education (NTCU) 包含校史、校園公告、行政教學資訊及學生活動。
Tunghai University
Section 4, Taiwan Boulevard 1727, 407 Xitun District, Taiwan東海大學以「發展成為一流的創新卓越大學,擁有溫馨友善的校園環境」為願景,並積極進行國際化,採「教學」與「研究」雙向並重,研究更為教學的深化。另在科技帶領產業發展的競爭年代,如何強化產官學合作,更為本校未來經營的重點之一。
Ivy Collegiate Academy
Lane 165, Section 1, Tanxing Road 320, 427 Tanzi District, Taiwan台中常春藤美式寄宿學校是一所位於台灣臺中市潭子區的私立美語國高中學校。
Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Buzi Road 666, 40601 Beitun District, Taiwan請填寫網站簡述