library in East District Taiwan

About 821 results.

McKay Insurance Agency Inc

106 East Main Street, 50138 Knoxville, United States

Premiumocally owned and operated since 1946, McKay Group offers a wide variety of insurance programs, including Home, Auto, Life and Health insurance. We specialize in Silent Sports insurance, Restauran…

McKay Insurance Agency Inc

124 A Avenue East, 52577 Oskaloosa, United States

Premiumocally owned and operated since 1946, McKay Group offers a wide variety of insurance programs, including Home, Auto, Life and Health insurance. We specialize in Silent Sports insurance, Restauran…

Longhu Library

Dabeishan Road 6, 515041 Shantou Shi, China


National Central Library

Zhongshan South Road 20, 100 Zhongzheng District, Taiwan


Poding Memorial Library

Jifeng East Road 168, 413 Wufeng District, Taiwan


Shu-Te University Library

Hengshan Road 59, 824 Yanchao District, Taiwan

STU Library

Kaohsiung Medical University Library

Shiquan 1st Road 100, 807 Sanmin District, Taiwan


Hsing Wu University Library

Section 1, Fenliao Road 101號, 244 Linkou District, Taiwan


Central Police University Library

Shuren Road 56號, 333 Guishan District, Taiwan


Yuan-Ze University Library

Yuandong Road 135號, 320 Zhongli District, Taiwan

元智大學全球資訊網(Yuan Ze University World Wide Web)

National Ilan University Library

Section 1, Shennong Road 1號, 260 Yilan City, Taiwan


Taipei Medical University Library

Wuxing Street 250號, 110 Xinyi District, Taiwan

臺北醫學大學圖書館致力於提供數位資源之醫學相關學術性館藏,包括資料庫、電子期刊、電子書等,讓讀者使用資源沒有時間與地點的限制。在實體空間上並跟進國外Learning Commons-學習共享空間的概念,打造自主學習共同空間、簡報練習室等,搭配相關推廣活動,提供同學更多元的學習管道。

China Medical University Library

Xueshi Road 91號, 404 North District, Taiwan


China Productivity Center Library

Section 1, Xintaiwu Road 79號, 221 Xizhi District, Taiwan

1950年初,我國各種產業正處於萌芽階段,在政府的推動下,由各公民營工商企業五十單位共同捐助,於1955年11月11日成立「財團法人中國生產力中心」,英文名稱為China Productivity Center,簡稱CPC,為隸屬於經濟部的財團法人組織,主要任務為協助產業提高生產力,是為我國成立最早、最大的管理顧問機構。隨著我國經濟的發展歷程與產業的進步,CPC的使命與目標,也隨著產業環…

National Taiwan University Medical Library

Section 1, Ren'ai Road 1, 10051 Zhongzheng District, Taiwan


National Taiwan Ocean University Library

Beining Road 2號, 202 Zhongzheng District, Taiwan


National Chung Cheng University Library

Section 1, Daxue Road 168號, 621 Minxiong Township, Taiwan

本館秉持「協助師生探索成長、尋找可能」的核心價值,致力於提升師生的知識與研究能量、藝文與心靈涵養,並促進人際思想交流與激盪。於民國78 年籌建、82年完工啟用的館舍位於校園中心點,全年透過友善設計的空間、90餘萬冊館藏、30餘名親切有效率的館員、內涵豐富的講座與藝文活動等,一點一滴地滋養中正的人事物。

China Institute of Technology Library

Section 3, Yanjiuyuan Road 245號, 115 Nangang District, Taiwan

「航太資料」特藏:配合本校有全國唯一通 過民航局認證及歐盟認證的航空特 色,本館建有一個「航太資料」專區, 含全國唯一一套民航局維修技令手冊百餘本,及航空微縮捲131件。 資訊素養融入教師教學課程中: 備有資訊素養館員,輔助教師,針對所授科目與文獻查找或資料檢索相關的教學內容,特別設計、並以館員上課方式,協助老師達成其教學成效。積極推動學生閱讀活動 以學習者導向的主題設計導覽 跨…

Mingchi Institute of Technology Library

Gongzhuan Road 84號, 243 Taishan District, Taiwan

Brief description

S.Y. Dao Memorial Fund Library

Section 3, Roosevelt Road 277號, 106 Da’an District, Taiwan


Library of Hua Asia University of Technology

Gongzhuan Road 111, 235 Zhonghe District, Taiwan


Hou-Zong Senior High School Library

Sanfeng Road 968, 421 Houli District, Taiwan

臺中市立后綜高級中學 | 臺中市立后綜高級中學

National Chin-Yi Institute of Technology Library

Section 2, Zhongshan Road 57號, 406 Taiping District, Taiwan


Taipei Municipal Yang Senior High School Library

Zhongzheng Road 510號, 111 Shilin District, Taiwan

XOOPS is a dynamic Object Oriented based open source portal script written in PHP.

The Library of Hsiuping University of Science and Technology

Gongye Road 11號, 412 Dali District, Taiwan


National Hsin-Ying Industrial Vocational High School Library

Zhongzheng Road 68號, 730 Xinying District, Taiwan


Shanlin Primary School Library

香林村二鄰西阿里山 41, 605 Alishan Township, Taiwan
